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Fuzzy match

8 - Asteroid



I have gathered data from two different sources and need to analyze the "prod_hier_sku" field in data source 1 and compare it with "SKU" in data source 2. Since there may be minor discrepancies between these fields, a fuzzy match is necessary to accurately compare them and obtain the "one-year price." The quantity will be consistent across both sources. I have included a screenshot that illustrates my requirement.


Please help me to get the one-year price in this scenario.






17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @allwynbazil 


The Fuzzy Match tool has an example built into Alteryx Designer. You can interact with this by right clicking on the tool in your toolbar and selecting "Open Example":

That will get you going on how to use use the tool in your workflow, but the matching method will need some tuning. This is the documentation on the different matching options:


For the SKU fields you shared in your example, I might suggest setting a "Custom" match style. Based on the dash and alphanumeric characters that comprise your SKU values, try generating keys on the whole field, then using one of the character-based (not word-based) match functions. You might need to try a few different methods in here to get the results you want. 



Give this a whirl and let us know if you have any questions.
