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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Formula Field Change from User Input

7 - Meteor

Is there a way to change the name of the field that a formula is altering based on user input? For example, I have the following formula:


IF IsNull([202307]) THEN
IF IsNull([202309]) Or [202309] = 0 THEN [202308]
ELSE [202308] * [202308]/[202309]
ELSE [202307]


This changes the field "202307". However, this field will change each quarter. Is there a way for the user to be able to input the name of the field to be changed, with the above formula being applied to their selected field?





11 - Bolide


@tlhoyt wrote:

Is there a way to change the name of the field that a formula is altering based on user input? For example, I have the following formula:


IF IsNull([202307]) THEN
IF IsNull([202309]) Or [202309] = 0 THEN [202308]
ELSE [202308] * [202308]/[202309]
ELSE [202307]


This changes the field "202307". However, this field will change each quarter. Is there a way for the user to be able to input the name of the field to be changed, with the above formula being applied to their selected field?



@tlhoyt  Yes, what you want is an Analytic App where someone can enter freeform text. Watch the first 4 Interactive Lessons here: 
Alternately you may want to provide them with a dropdown selection, In which case watch the first 3 lessons and the one on creating drop-downs.



7 - Meteor

But can their freeform text change the field that the formula is being applied to? Or only the fields in the formula itself?

Inactive User
Not applicable

Like this?

7 - Meteor

I don't see anything?
