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Finding errors

8 - Asteroid



I am wondering if there is a creative solution to finding errors quickly in a workflow. 


See the screenshot. This invoice has not made it through my workflow. In order to find where it has 'escaped' / why it hasn't, i am having to click on every tool along the workflow and filtering the invoice number. This is very time consuming. 


Is there a shortcut that I can enter the invoice number and it will tell me where in the workflow it has fallen through?



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @pangersandmash ,


You are referring to two different things here. First, errors are easy to find as they will be highlighted both on the tool in error, and in the results window at the bottom of the screen where you can click on the tool and you will be taken to it:





However, you are not talking about errors as your workflow has completed without errors. You are talking about logic, and of course Alteryx has no idea if your logic is correct. You need to track your data through the workflow to determine where your invoice it dropping out and why. Or indeed, if you are simply losing columns. If your column values are null where previously they weren't I would suggest checking your union tool to ensure the fields that are being unioned together are named the same before going into the tool.


But in this regard, no, Alteryx can only carry out the logic you've given it.

You can, of course build your logical checks in, and given you can check your results at any point in the flow in Alteryx, it's much easier to find than if you were using a sequential script, such as in SQL.







19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @pangersandmash 


Like @mceleavey said, Designer doesn't understand your logic.  It doesn't provide a simple interface to look at the results at all the tools and check to see if a value is there or not.  You have to do the search yourself.  That being said, there are strategies to minimize the effort.


1.  Know which tools to check.  There are relatively few tools that remove records from a dataset.  The common ones are Join, Filter, Sample, Create Samples and Select records.  Check these tools first.  

2.  Use a binary approach.  Start your search from a tool in the middle of workflow.  If the value is there, check the middle of second half of the workflow.   If not check the middle of the first half.  Repeat as required, breaking the ranges in half.  Using this method you can search a 100 tool workflow in a maximum of 7 iterations.

3.  Document your workflow.      



11 - Bolide

One way I handle this type of thing is to unit test as I go.  I like to make sure at the in/out of every tool that I either have all the records or I don't.  If I don't, I validate why and see if I agree with the records dropping out.  If not, I fix it and proceed.  It takes a bit more time per tool, but can save time if you just end up with missing data somewhere in a large workflow and need to back track.  Comment what you intend to do as well so you can double check that your logic matches.  Often, if records do go missing I need to let someone know that a lookup table needs to be updated etc.
