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Find all instances of a word (incl. misspelled words) within a string field

8 - Asteroid

Hi there,


I posted about this a while ago but didn't receive a solution which worked.


I have long description fields. I want Alteryx to look through these description fields and find all instances of a word, even if it is misspelled. E.g., for the following sample:


Description 1Description 2VendorRent pwLease Expiry
Joe's FruitRetail tenancy 34Joe90031/03/23
Angie's ClothesReaitl 78 upper floor Angie30030/06/24
Larson's Fried ChickenTenant 40 LGLarson40030/09/23
Bob's HardwareTennacy retali lower gBob80031/01/24
Lucy's Pet StoreTenant retail 82 L1 MELBLucy45031/12/23
Bec's Art SuppliesCommercial 78 EXPIRY 30/10/23Bec24030/10/23


I would want the following to be returned:


Description 1Description 2VendorRent pwLease Expiry
Joe's FruitRetail tenancy 34Joe90031/03/23
Angie's ClothesReaitl 78 upper floor Angie30030/06/24
Larson's Fried ChickenTenant 40 LGLarson40030/09/23
Bob's HardwareTennacy retali lower gBob80031/01/24
Lucy's Pet StoreTenant retail 82 L1 MELBLucy45031/12/23


I've used the Filter tool to find all instances of the correctly spelled words "Retail" and "Tenant", "Tenancy", etc., but I'm not sure how to configure Alteryx to find misspelled instances as well (i.e., an approximate match). I don't believe fuzzy match is appropriate, as I'm not trying to match the whole field - just text within the Description 1 and Description 2 fields which contain an approximate match to "Retail", "Tenant", "Tenancy", etc.


Please note that my database is huge (>50K items) and due to my company's confidentiality policies, I cannot upload anything to this community board.


Thanks in advance!


Hi @eleee3 - I still believe that Fuzzy Matching is the right solution for you. You just need to use it correctly:



8 - Asteroid

Hi @ArtApa


Thanks for your quick response and solution.


Unfortunately, no matches are being returned. I know that there are definitely some instances of "Retail" and "Tenancy" (spelled correctly) in my database, as I have previously extracted these using the following filter: contains([Description 1], "Retail") || contains([Description 1], "Tenancy"), but even these matches are not appearing.


Any idea where it's going wrong? I have used your exact workflow, except replacing the top input with the database input.
