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Find Replace with a twist

7 - Meteor

I'll preface my question - I'm a fairly novice Alteryx user.  I have a Find Replace question.  I'm attaching a quick example that I've put together in Excel, but I'd prefer to do it in Alteryx.  I have products (coverage 01 in the example) that have unique look-ups to a contract code.  However, there are add-ons that are not unique - the add-ons use the same name across all the products, and the contract code they use will be whatever the coverage 01 product with the same policy number uses.  Because the add-ons are not unique, I can't use Find/Replace.  I can do this in Excel - see my formula which states that if the coverage code <> "01", then use the contract code from the previous row, otherwise look up the code in the table.  Is this possible to create a formula in Alteryx where the Find Replace itself is conditional, and then use the value from the previous row instead if the condition isn't met?  I'm not sure if I'm being clear - I'm hoping that the attached example will make sense.  Thank you for checking!

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hey @RitaB,


Great Question! How you are going to accomplish something similar to your excel formula will be utilizing the Multi-Row formula tool. I have attached an example that gets the same result. 


Using the multi row tool you can build out that logic, stating that if Coverage code does not equal "01", then take value from row previous. In my example I used if Code contains "ADD_ON". Hope this helps!



7 - Meteor

This is perfect!  Thank you so much for the quick response, @NicholasM !
