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Find Replace on first occurance

8 - Asteroid



I am trying to use Find Replace tool to extract a Category from a mapping file.

The original database contains free text input by the user - it can be different each time.


Based on keywords, I am creating a mapping and I have a difficult time when they are interfering and there is a priority in place.


This is a sample of the database.


Dental feb 23
Dental accrual dec 12
Accrual docs 3452


And this is a sample of the Mapping:


Accrual / Reversalaccrual1
Allocate/Record Dentaldental2


Basically, what I want to highlight is that if the free text contains "Dental" it will go under category Allocate/Record Dental, BUT if it also contains "Accrual" it will go under category Accrual / Reversal. That's why I thought to insert a Priority and sort them based on the Priority.


My logic says that when running the workflow, it should work. However, Alteryx is still mapping the text "Dental accrual dec 12" under Allocate/Record Dental instead of Accrual/Reversal.


Attached is the workflow that I tried.


This is what Alteryx is bringing me:


Dental feb 23Allocate/Record Dental
Dental accrual dec 12Allocate/Record Dental
Accrual docs 3452Accrual / Reversal


And this is what I want:


Dental feb 23Allocate/Record Dental
Dental accrual dec 12Accrual / Reversal
Accrual docs 3452Accrual / Reversal


Is there a solution here?


Thank you so much!

14 - Magnetar

@stefaniadurdan I think this could be one approach:

Screenshot 2023-10-31 132155.png


Append all possible matches against the data. See if any of the rows contain the possible matches using "contains" formula. Find the lowest priority. Extract that row.


Not sure if this is the best route; first thing that came to mind.


All the best,


13 - Pulsar

How about this...

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Like so?



Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE
17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Props to you @stefaniadurdan - you are very clear with your request and you provided your workflow. 


Great work @TimN @BS_THE_ANALYST as well - many ways to solve this!

Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE
14 - Magnetar

@caltang nice, split-to-rows and join. Your approach trumps mine as the lookup tables grow! I'd be eager to use this @stefaniadurdan.
