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Find Redunant Device Combinations

7 - Meteor

Good Morning,


I am going to apologize in advance for a lack of detail when describing my issue but this is problem my company is trying to solve.  I am new to Alteryx and I am looking for ideas on how to solve this issue.


Being new to Alteryx, I am not sure what is the best way to solve this problem and set up the data so that it can be visualized in Tableau, so I am looking for ideas from you all.


The topic of this post is Wireless Devices.  What we are trying to do is to find employees who have more than one device and to look at the combination of devices they are assigned so that managers can determine if they are "redundant" or not.  Example, an employee who is assigned an iPhone and iPad should not have data usage on the iPad as the iPhone can be used as a "hot spot" to power the iPhone.   So rather than paying $70 a month of cellular service for that employee,  they can pay $35.


Attached is an example data set:


Employee 1 - is good because the iPhone is the only device of two devices that has data usage


Employee 2 - needs to be "flagged" becuase of more than one satellite phone and becuase the data usage for the sat phones is zero


Employee 3 - needs to be "flagged" because the combination of iPhone and iPad but also becuase the iPad has data usage


Employee 4 - needs to be "flagged" becuase the he/she has 1- iPhone, 2 -iPads with data usage, and a wireless hotspot (aka MIFI). Without some sort of justifcation, the devices assigned need to be scaled back.


In almost all of these cases there needs to be a conversation between employee and managerir manager to have.  I just need to  the situation "flagged" so that a manager can look at a dashboard and see some combinations or conditions.


I am open to your idea of what might be the best way to solve this situation.


Thank you in advance for help here,



21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

This is really serious topic😂
I tried to narrow down to 2 cases

1. One person can not have more than 1 for the same device

2. One person can not have more than data usage.


17 - Castor

This is obviously very tailored to your example and in reality I'd imagine you'll have a vast array of 'scenarios', some of which even trigger false flags and so you would definitely need further steps for manual investigation. However, one approach could be to use lookup tables for certain phrases that you decide may indicate the need for a flag. Attached:




7 - Meteor

@DataNath, I agree with you that this is a rather unique and tailored situation which is why I reach out the community.  I will take your idea of a look up table and see what I can do with it. 


Thanks for the suggestion.



7 - Meteor



This is really a serious topic as it is a real-life business case for me.


I appreciate your suggestion in how to solve the situation.  I agree with you that we need to look at employees with two or more devices but I disagree with you second step where you just evaluate data > 1.  


I need to have some sort of logic that I can write an IF THEN statement against a combinaition of devices that evalutes data usage only when that combination of devices is true.


Thank you,


