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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Filtering centroids from an area on a map

8 - Asteroid

Hi - i have converted lat/long data onto a map, and there's a specific area i wish to focus on, filtering the data from this area and moving on to the next part of my workflow.


Is there a way to do this?   I have no spatial files to reference against, but i can see by drawing a rectangle on the map preview over the area, it highlights the rows in the browse window.  Is it possible to filter from here in any way?

19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @RogerA 


The map tools will zoom to include all the points in your record set.  If you only have one, and the map is zoomed in too much, create a trade area around it.  The map will zoom to show the trade area.


If you have lots of points and are trying to focus on a group of them, filter your records so that they're within a box defined by min/max latitude and min/max longitude



8 - Asteroid

Yes this makes sense, i can just use a filter tool to go higher or lower than the lat/longs to create a rectangle around the area i need.
