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Filtering Help

8 - Asteroid

Hi, I have the following information:

1Early Stage: Seed
2Early Stage, Early Stage: Seed, Early Stage: Start-up
3Early Stage, Early Stage: Seed, Early Stage: Start-up, Expansion / Late Stage, Venture (General)
4Early Stage, Early Stage: Seed, Early Stage: Start-up
5Early Stage, Growth
6Early Stage, Early Stage: Start-up


The data format is as the above and I want to filter out those that have only "Early Stage: Seed" / "Early Stage: Start-up" / "Early Stage"


How do I set the filter so it will return only row 3, and row 5?


Please help. Thank you.

9 - Comet

Filter tool with the following should work.


REGEX_CountMatches([Description],"(Early Stage\: Seed|Early Stage\: Start-up|Early Stage)") < REGEX_CountMatches([Description],"\,") + 1


First part counts how many times any of the listed strings is present and the second part counts how many delimiters there are (and adds 1 for the number of items there are). As long as the first part is lower than the second, then there must be an item in the string that is not in your list. 

14 - Magnetar

Here's an alternative without RegEx



12 - Quasar

Hey @dhakim1996 if you just want to use the Filter tool you could set it up like this:






