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Filter Criteria by product type

11 - Bolide

Hi community,


I would like to ask what will be the solution available if i want to filter the dataset criteria as below

Different data set contains either interim or final.

Filter Criteria.png


If the data set show as "Interim", then filter out " equal to or more than Period 13 ".


If the data set show as  "Final" , then include " equal to or more than Period 13".


Thank you in advance

9 - Comet

Hi @SH_94 

Is Period 13 a variable?


alteryx 1.PNG

11 - Bolide

Hi @Tam ,


i just amended the question in my original post and feel free to comment.


Thank you.

13 - Pulsar

Why does Period 14 get filtered out too? From your criteria, you can use a Filter Tool with "Custom Filter":

NOT ([Type] = "Interim" AND [Period] = "Period 13")


But that wouldn't match the output you provided. Is there more dynamic logic involved?

11 - Bolide

Hi @AndrewDMerrill ,


Sorry for the confusion caused, basically i plan to filter period 13 onward which mean if the period more than or equal to 13, then filter out.



13 - Pulsar

Ah... Here is a sample workflow that does just that. Custom Filter is a little more complicated:



9 - Comet

@SH_94 your Type = Final data output does not make sense if you want to include >= period 13 then you should only have 1 record. Period 6,11 & 12 does not match the equal to or more than 13 





9 - Comet

Hi @SH_94 

I am still confuse about your condition for the final data. However, 

Let's make a few assumptions about your use case.

As a user I want the workflow to determine the type and apply the appropriate filtering rule for it, because at any given stage the source data type could be interim or final.  

I went down a rabbit hole: Smells like a Batch Marco, Smells like and App with checkbox and Detour.. then I wrote out the logic as follow: 

1. The input could have either Final or Interim for Type variable. 

2. Essentially an If statement for the filter tool along the line of:

 if type = interim then apply this logic: not ([Type]="Interim" and [Period]="Period 13")

 elseif type = final then apply this logic: not ([Type]="Final" and [Period]=null())



Then I wondered if I could write an If else statement into the custom filter function (I was not aware I could do this) . 

if [Type]="Interim" then
!([Type]="Interim" and tonumber(right( [period],Length([period])-7))>= 13)
elseif [Type]="Final" then
[Type]="Final" and [Period]!=null()


Attached is the sample workflow. 




5 - Atom

Good Information attaching equity product information
