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Sort Tool Dictionary Order gets Dates Sorted Incorrectly

8 - Asteroid

Hi all, 


Looking to understand why the Sort Tool Use Dictionary Order option can end up sorting dates incorrectly. I understand when this happens, the solution is to untick the Use Dictionary Order option, but does anyone understand why this happens? Is it supposed to happen?

I understand some posts in the past have noted this issue, but have not gone into the why, and just looked towards the solution of unticking the option.


With the newer version of Alteryx enabling this Dictionary Order by default, it appears this is having unintended impacts on existing workflows.




18 - Pollux
18 - Pollux

Can you show us your date values? If it’s not in the Alteryx Date format, it may not sort the way you want / expect!

8 - Asteroid

I do note that I am using version 2020.4, and it could be possible that it was a bug that was since fixed.Test Sort.jpg

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

I dont have the 2020.4 version.
I could not replicate the issue with 2 different newer version...

It is not that convincible to me that this was a bug in version 2020.4 and fixed in later version though.

Can you check the sample flow also for  the Sorting tool?

Or upgrade to a newer version?

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