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Factor analysis: Different outputs of R Studio and R Tool

6 - Meteoroid



When running the factanal function in the R tool and in R Studio I get completely different outputs.


The code I am running in Alteryx:

variables <- read.Alteryx("variables", mode="data.frame")
factormodel <- factanal(variables, factors=3, scores='regression', rotation='none') x <- factormodel$scores

I am running it on the same dataset consisting of 8 normalised variables, and before using the function in the R tool I am making sure to explicitly convert these to floats, so I doubt it is a data type issue. I have attached extracts from the outputs.


Does anyone know what I am doing wrong in Alteryx?

Many thanks!


-Edit: I should probably add the format of my outputs:

RStudio: dataframe with dimensions: [Length_of_dataframe] x 3 --> what you would expect

R Tool: dataframe with dimensions: 1 x (3*[Length_of_dataframe]) --> for some reason it concatenated the results into one row vector

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

Can you please provide us with some sample data to test this against.



6 - Meteoroid

Any dataset should work really. Example is attached.

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

I just tried this with your sample data and my results line up between Alteryx and R Studio.


Could you retest with your sample data?



6 - Meteoroid

Hi Ben,


I tested it and still get the exact same issue. See capture attached.

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

The results are the same.

I think you are simply reading the output wrong.

Cell 2, line 1 in your alteryx output is referencing cell 1 line 2 in your R output.

So it's going down then across rather than across and down.



ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

Attached workflow on how you can convert the single line data into the same table as your R output which gives the same values then.





6 - Meteoroid

Thanks for your reply, Ben. I have found my error (I was pretty stupid and should have checked this earlier). The output of my R code is a matrix so I simply needed to convert it to a dataframe before passing it to the workflow.


Code is below (simply wrapping x inside data.frame()):

variables <- read.Alteryx("variables", mode="data.frame")
factormodel <- factanal(variables, factors=3, scores='regression', rotation='none')
x <- data.frame(factormodel$scores)
write.Alteryx(x, 1)

This gives me a dataframe with the factors as columns, exactly as in R Studio.
