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FTP Positionally Delimited File

8 - Asteroid


I am trying to upload a file to FTP. I have been following the steps in the article below for scenario 2 - .


Workflow looks like below,the data need to be positionally delimited and should be a text file because the program in which this extract goes to excepts positionally delimited data (sample data shown in 2nd snippet below) .









I need some direction in creating a positionally delimited file, I was able to create a simple text file out and uploading it to FTP using “BLOB” but it is not positionally delimited .Further,when i experimented different output options the file gets corrupted especially when i use ".TXT" extension in the formula tool for customization. The purpose of the bottom node (in red highlight) is to create a custom file name “<filename>_<yyyymmddhhmmss>.txt”.


BLOB Converter Configuration Screen.




DOWNLOAD Tool Configuration screen.




Thank you very much. 


Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @MD2050 


Excuse my ignorance but I am not sure what a positionally delimited file is?


Is this similar to a fixed width flat file. So for example field one starts in position 0 and field 2 always starts in position 20, field 2 in 30 etc?


If so, I think you'll need to utilise the PadRight function when you are putting the fields together.




If you could upload your workflow I'll have a look at the name issue you are having too, as it should be possible.



8 - Asteroid

Gm @JoeS -

Thank you for your reply. 

Yes, we need a fixed width flat file with pipe delimiters and a custom file name. I was able to achieve that piece although now i am asked to put the file to a ftp .

I am having trouble retaining the fixed width ,pipe delimited and custom name requirement and uploading it to FTP- this is the piece i need some help with. 

I followed the steps given in article although in the example a simple csv file is uploaded to ftp instead of customized. 


Thank you ,



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @MD2050 


Could you just use a concatenated set of results. So the whole file in one field rather than converting it to a blob? (as my thoughts are this may look to be "efficient" and remove duplicated white space.)
