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Extracting .zip files from FTP in Alteryx

7 - Meteor

Hello all - 


Attempting to use the Download tool to extract zip files from an FTP site to a local directory, and struggling to extract the zip files. Does anyone knows how I can retrieve the actual zip files that are being read as string in the Download Data field below? I have already tried to configure the Download tool to download to a File, but the file created is empty.




17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @rborger ,


You can't read this in as a string, you need to pull the file down to a file location, then pick that file up as a .zip.

You can write a formula which determines the full path of where you want to put the file, then use this field in the download tool:





Hope this helps,





7 - Meteor

Hi @mceleavey,


Thanks for the input. When I write the DownloadData to a file, it does not save it as a zip, just as an empty file. It may be because there are 2 zip files in the FTP and the download tool doesn't recognize what to download. Would there be something specific to configure in order to get the Download tool to grab each one of these individually?




19 - Altair

you are using 1 url/ftp command for two files? is it formatted correctly? I usually pass in separate urls for downloading (ie multiple records). I'd expect the former is doable but the later is clearer. fyi - just downloaded two zips separately via download with no problems.

7 - Meteor

This solved the problem... just needed to specify the file name at the end of the URL command. Sometimes its the simplest solutions that get overlooked!


Thanks for the help!
