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Extract day name and position in associated month

8 - Asteroid

Hi All,


I have date stamp in my data and I want to extract the  day name and also its position in the same month. For e.g. if my date is 08/28/2020 it should show Friday, 4 (since its the 4th Friday of the month) or 06/20/2020 = Saturday, 3 (since it is the 3rd Saturday of June).


I have attached a sample data set to this question and also the desired output.


Thank you!

12 - Quasar

Hello @ArnabSengupta ,


We had something similar before not exactly but very close.

Credit to @Greg_Murray  for putting the logic for generating the calendar logic.


check the workflow and see if any good.


I hope it helps .

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus



I think this expression should do what you need:

+ ", "
+ ToString(CEIL(DateTimeDay([Time])/7))


The DateTimeFormat will produce the day of the week name.

The second part will work out which one it is within the month.


Quick sample attached.


12 - Quasar

Hello @jdunkerley79 ,


I have lots to learn. Thank you for this insight.
