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Existing Excels Renamed based on Output

6 - Meteoroid

I have 800 existing excel files that I was hoping I could have Alteryx rename based on a column in an Output file.   Any suggestions.

17 - Castor

Hi @AmandaL1 


Maybe this thread will get you in the right direction, similar use case but for PDFs


6 - Meteoroid

Thank you.

6 - Meteoroid

I am a newbie.  I have a column that pulls in the file name from the original files and a column that contains the data that I want each file to be renamed.  Below is the formula but I am getting a Parse error at char (75).  Malformed function call (expression #1).  Any suggestions.


getword(Replace([FileName], ".xlsx", "") +", "+



6 - Meteoroid

I am a newbie.  I have a column that pulls in the file name from the original files and a column that contains the data that I want each file to be renamed.  Below is the formula but I am getting a Parse error at char (75).  Malformed function call (expression #1).  Any suggestions.


getword(Replace([FileName], ".xlsx", "") +", "+


20 - Arcturus

@AmandaL1 the getword function syntax is not correct 


below is the formula from @Luke_C  post, seems to be you are missing the CountWords() function in your formula


getword(Replace([FileName], ".pdf", ""),CountWords([FileName])-1) + ", " +

replace([FileName]," " + getword(Replace([FileName], ".pdf", ""),CountWords([FileName])-1),"")



17 - Castor

Hi @AmandaL1 


It would be helpful if you provide some sample data. The formulas in the solution I linked to are specific to that use case - you should be able to use the general solution as a guide to your fact pattern.
