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Event Logging on Designer (local scheduler)

6 - Meteoroid

Hello Fellow Alteryx Users, 


HELP!! I am trying to receive email notifications of the event logs (Engine Logs) every time a workflow runs . 


I have tried enabling events on the workflow configurations but i dont believe this works outside of server 


Alternatively I have set up the logging directory but because only one logging directory path can be configured for ALL workflows ( all workflows share one logging directory). I am unable to differentiate which log corresponds to which workflow. To resolve this issue I tried to modify the engine log ( example:  Alteryx_Log_[workflow name]_[number].log) but this is not possible. 


Ideally i could either :

A. Affectively set up the event logging workflow configurations for Designer scheduler

B. Have a Logging Directory path unique for each workflow

C. Have a unique engine log file name for each workflow (perhaps by being able to overwrite a log every time x workflow runs)  


Does anyone know how to resolve this issue?


17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Have you considered using the Email event? It could be configured to send after the workflow runs and one of the features of the body is %OutputLog% which should give you what you are looking for on a per-workflow basis. 



6 - Meteoroid

I tried this both with SMTP and with out SMTP populated. 

In the To and From I have my email but no log is sent to my email. 


This email event method seems to work fine on Alteryx Server but not on local runs. 




17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Ok ,let's come at this from a different direction. Based on your "Ideally" option "C":


1. Use Message tool(s) and workflow/environment variables to write the workflow/run information inside the log. 

2. Schedule a wizard to read the log file text, parse out the name information, and save new log files with new names.

3. ???

4/ Profit. 

6 - Meteoroid

Would you be able to share an example or dummy workflow ? 

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

@cmyer wrote:

Would you be able to share an example or dummy workflow ? 

Yes. These are rudimentary at best, but they illustrate the concept to try out.


"20210827-MessageWorflow.yxmd" is a simple workflow with a Message tool added to add the information you want into the log output from that workflow running. Note in the line that the Message tool creates in the results window/log.




"20210827-MessageWorflow_LogParse.yxmd" is a workflow you can schedule to read your logging directory, look for the information you want to parse out, and save that log with a new file name you can use. 




I hope this makes sense and helps your situation. 
