Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Error in row

8 - Asteroid

Hi, I have a query

In the first row under this expense ratio header this error is coming up. what needs to be done here? I want my output to be 0.84



14 - Magnetar

Hi @Tid14 


is that a value coming direct from an input source is was that produced from a formula created within Alteryx? Either way, it's not an error, but is the exponential representation of a numeric value because of how many decimals the raw number had. So even if it was showing without the exponent, the value would be more like 0.01 (if rounded) or 0.0084999999999(and so on). Alteryx only shows the value like this usually when a Double field is changed to a String.


If you are doing that, instead of switching the type in a Select tool, use a Formula tool to create a new string field and use the TOSTRING() function. There's an optional parameter that is often overlooked that can be used to specific how many decimals to keep.

TOSTRING([pct], 2)

 The second parameter "2", will round and include 2 decimal places. There's actually 2 other/optional parameters that can be used with that function. see the help info for that tool linked below.


If the above is still not solving the issue, you'll need to share more details on how that value was derived. Sharing a workflow or sample of the data that we can run to reproduce the issue is the best way for us to provide you a solution... just be sure you scrub the data so it doesn't include anything sensitive/proprietary 😎.


Hope this helps!

