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Equivalent to Paste Values (Removal of Formulas) - Input File

10 - Fireball

Hi Alteryx team,


I have an input file with a lot of formula such as sum, equals, percentage multiply to amount, etc.  I want the file to be converted to another format (say, .dat file), but before that, I want all the formulas embedded in my file (or to a specific sheet) to be removed before converting to another file format.  Is Alteryx has the ability to paste values or remove formulas in the input file? I mean All formulas inside the file or sheet. Thank you in advance.

17 - Castor

Hi @PassION_es 


Always excel will remove the formulas and consider the values only.


Please find the example below.


Input file Excel:








Hope this answers your question.


Many thanks

Shanker V




10 - Fireball

hi @ShankerV , I am trying to convert an excel input file into .dat file format.  However, when there is a formula inside the excel, it won't generate or transfer the correct data into the .dat file.  I am aware that there's no need to convert formulas into values as Alteryx read it as values. The issue is that when I am not manually remove the formulas in excel before running the workflow to convert file to a different format (.dat file), it will generate wrong data into the .dat file. 

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@PassION_es It seems to be fine in this simple example that I have. Is the file format that you are reading in a .xlsx or something else?

10 - Fireball

Thank you @ShankerV @trsali .

17 - Castor



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Many thanks

Shanker V
