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Equivalent of 'Not In' in Alteryx

5 - Atom

Hi, doing a trial of Alteryx at the moment and trying to migrate an SQL script to Alteryx.  The existing script starts by creating a table of data.  It then creates a 2nd table, but only for records that have not already been captured in the first table.  This is achieved in SQL by saying where record_id not in (sel record id from table1) .. Both tables are then used much later on in the process.

Is there an equivalent in Alteryx?  I want to create an Input object, and then create a 2nd input object that excludes records that do not exist in the first object.  

15 - Aurora

If both are used later on in the project, you could just bring them both in and use the Join tool to grab records that exist in only one but not the other, e.g. by grabbing the L or R output from the Join tool.

5 - Atom

OK I get it now. You can use right join output in the join tool to only select records that failed the join.  Makes sense.
