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Email tool sending multiple emails to each country.

8 - Asteroid

Hi all,


I have an alerts data set. I am trying to send each country's alerts output excel file in an email as an attachment to the respective country based on the alerts generated two days ago.


I'm getting the right results but, I have two issues here. 


1. At present in the workflow, each alert is being written in a separate excel sheet which is not correct. 


To be achieved

if there are N Alerts that are generated for a particular date, all those have to be appended one below the other in a single sheet in an output excel file. 


2.  N number of emails are being sent to each country when it has N number of alerts which is not correct.  


To be achieved:

For one country a single email should be sent.


How can we achieve the above two functionalites? I have attached the output excel file as a reference. 


Kindly check and help. 


Thank you.


Best Regards,


17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @stj1120 ,


The Excel reports are being written separately because you have the country code in the filename, which means a new Excel workbook will be created for each country. If you don't want this, remove the country from the filename:


"C:\Users\YBTQ\Downloads\"+[Country]+" Alert_Report.xlsx"


This is a similar problem for the email. You have used the sum tool to group the records, but the layout is different for each one, which means you get a new email per line. If you drop the layout field from the sum tool you will get a grouping of emails by country.


Hope this helps.




8 - Asteroid

Hi @mceleavey 


Thank you for your quick response. 


I have attached the output excel file ("AT Alert_Report.xlsx") of one country alerts to the first body. If you look into that file, each alert generated on the same date is being written separately in each sheet. Actually all the alerts of one specific date should be written in a single sheet of one excel file.


I tried all the options in the render tool  but no luck. Could you please check at render tool in the workflow and guide me how can we append all the alerts of one country that are generated on the same date? That should be irrespective of the time. 


Thank you.


Best regards, 


17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @stj1120 ,


I've changed the grouping on the layout and amended the sum grouping so this should work now.


I've attached the new workflow. You'll need to re-point the outputs and inputs accordingly.


Hope this helps.




8 - Asteroid

Hi @mceleavey 


Thank you for the quick solution.


But, if you see in the output excel file the column headers are repeating for each record. 


How can we have only single column header at the top and then followed by all the records. 


Kinldy check and help.


Best Regards,


17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @stj1120 ,


this was the same problem as the other part, you were grouping your table by datetime, which meant you ended up with a different table for every record.

I've applied the same solution.


Hope this helps,




8 - Asteroid

Hi @mceleavey 

Thanks a lot for the quick and wonderful support. 😀

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

no problem.gif

