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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Email message should run only when workflow manually runs

7 - Meteor

I have a question and did not found any solutions to this yet.

I have a workflow which runs scheduled but it has to run manually in some cases.

I want to set a message that only send out message email when the workflow manually runs.

Do you have any idea how to set workflow in this case?

(Two separate workflow -one for scheduled and one for manually running -  is not an option. \

It is also not an option to manually change anything in workflow settings when it runs manually)


The only way I could think that this would be possible is if there was a workflow variable that indicated a manual vs scheduled run.

I wonder if something could be done with this variable

GuiInteraction: A Boolean value indicating whether or not a workflow is being run from the GUI. When a workflow is run from the Alteryx Designer or Analytic App interface, the returned value will be True or 1. When a workflow is run from command line, the returned value is false, or 0.

7 - Meteor

Thank you! It works perfectly.
