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Email Tool and Multiple Semicolon-separated Addresses - Email Headers

10 - Fireball

Hi Designer gurus, I am curious if anyone has any insight into this issue. We are using Designer 2019.2.


I am presenting the Email tool with a semicolon-separated list of addresses in a field, and using that field as the "To:" parameter for the tool. When I run the workflow, the addresses all receive the email as intended. No problem there.


The issue I'm encountering is that when the email is received by the recipients, the email headers only display the first address in the group. So if I am sending to ";" the email headers will show delivery only to even though PersonB still receives the email. This usually causes PersonA to reply and CC PersonB, which is just needless inbox clutter and causes frustration over apparent lack of targeting the right stakeholders.


We are using a GSuite environment for our email delivery, so I am not sure where in the communication from Alteryx > SMTP > GSuite the information could be getting lost. Anyone seen this issue before, or can help define the technical problem clearly so I can direct our IT team to dig in?

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Hi There @Scott_Snowman,
Sorry to hear you're having trouble with the email service, I have just tried this myself on my side, and it seems to work fine - with emails in the to field in the format: ";" , I get an email with all recipients in the "To:" field of the email. I did however, only do this with my GMail account, so as far as my troubleshooting goes, it is fine from the Alteryx side of things, I imagine there's potential its within the GSuite side of things.

I did find an old forum post of someone saying changing the semi-colon delimiter to a comma actually solved a somewhat similar issue, both these worked on my side of things, could potentially be worth trying on your side with a test email to yourself etc, just to see if that changes anything?

Hope this helps at all, sorry I couldn't be any more help

10 - Fireball

Hello @TheOC , thanks for the feedback. The issue persists regardless of comma or semicolon delimiter in the "To:" field.

And you're likely right, as the emails are getting correctly delivered the breakdown would appear to be past when Alteryx hands the data off to the SMTP server. I figured as much but was fishing to see if anyone has had this particular issue -- and if they were able to resolve it. I'll request our IT team review the handoff process.
