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Dynamic selection from the List Box - help needed

7 - Meteor

I am working on my first app to dynamically select items based on the columns and i have created the workflow but somehow it gives me empty results.


Here is my workflow and also it is attached:



Can you please help?

16 - Nebula

Hi @tomekgagola ,


I think for your action tool to replace the operand based on the user selection you should first have a value in your filter tool.




That will allow you to select the operand value you want to replace (in this instance A) with whatever the user has selected.


From he interface designer, I've also selected Alteryx to display the values of the browse tool once the app has run successfully



Please let me know if that worked for you.





16 - Nebula

@tomekgagola and I missed something rather important. Listboxes allow you to select one or more values, so in the Listbox tool you have to decide what the tool will do. If you have "Select tool Mode" selected, that will only work on a select tool to select/deselect the fields you need to keep.


For the Listbox to apply on a filter tool, you should have "Generate Custom List" option selected, which will create a string with the values selected by the user + a start and end text which are usually quotes and then a separator.






Assuming you select A and B, the custom list will be :




where red is your start text, green is your separator and blue your end text.


If you select all A,B and C the generated custom list will be different




Now that string will be fed in your formula tool, so you should find a proper expression that can accommodate to filter on multiple values. That's an IN statement, which is the equivalent of multiple OR statements.


So, in the first case when A and B are selected, you want System to be equal to A OR System to be equal to B.




[System]="A" OR [System]="B"




The IN statement, will be something like




[System] IN ("A","B")





which yields the same result but it will give you that consecutive string of quotes plus selected characters which you can replace with the custom list generated by your List Box tool explained above.




7 - Meteor

Having hard coded values make no sense to me as the file might change. I tried to do it dynamically so each time new value is added, it is listed in List Box.

16 - Nebula

Hi @tomekgagola ,


The values will change dynamically when your app runs, based on the selection made by the user. The fact that you have added some values in the filter doesn't mean that those won't get updated.


Specifically you have used the action tool to update those values. Does that makes sense in a way?

11 - Bolide

Thanks everyone! This was helpful today. 
