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Dynamic process multi input excel files with different sheets names and other sheet names

7 - Meteor


Currently am having Main1,Main2 Input excel files. So my input should be dynamically fetched and process data. For ex. Main1 excel having sheetnames so..sheet1,sheet2,Xsheet1,Xsheet4,..

and Main2 excel having sheetnames, so sheet1,sheet2,Xsheet5,Xsheet10,sheet4,..

From here i need data to be merged from  Xsheet1,Xsheet4,Xsheet5,Xsheet10 and process data.


Am new to alteryx tool and trying to figure out way.

Also went through few links for dynamic Input and take the sheetnames alone.

could you please help me here.? It's something urgent to solve it.

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

I understand you are in a hurry.

But please share a sample data and a desired output, so I can work on it.

It is not really feasible to figure it out just by wording.😥

7 - Meteor

@Qiu  Please find the exact sample inputs and expected output attached. Hope this helps you for creating the as per my requirement.

7 - Meteor

@Qiu ..Any updates please...

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

Sorry just get to see yoru reply.

What is the logic that what sheets to be taken from what file?

The sheets schema are different, and somehow your output managed to output only meaningfull data.

7 - Meteor

From one input folder,all the xlsx sheets having file names Refurb and sheet names as " Xsheet " needs to be taken

7 - Meteor

@Qiu Any updates please?? As you in urgent. please..

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris


Sorry for the delay.

I tested the workflow with you data, it works just fine.

Though you mentioned you had cretia for the sheets, but later on it seem you want them all.

Any all the data can be imported and you can do some select and filter to get what you need.
Let me know if you have further questions.


7 - Meteor

@Qiu This works same as earlier. As i mentioned earlier, there were Cartesian product forms.

For eg. Input file- Refurb3 contains Xsheet1 alone. But in the workflow after import multiple schema macro, it shows Xsheet1 to Xsheet8.please refer the sheets attached.


21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

I apologize for not being careful enough.

The Join tool inside macro is wrongly configured.
Now it should be alright.

