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Dynamic Input for multiple sheets in one Excel

7 - Meteor

I've been looking for a solution for hours and none of the solutions I've found fit my use case.


What I have is a single Excel file with multiple sheets. Each sheet contains different types of data (they're not meant to be joined or anything like that). The catch is, the database I get this Excel file from, if there is no data in a particular sheet, it will not have that sheet included when I download it. And since it won't exist, my workflow will have an error in the Input Tool I have set up with the missing sheet. .


The closest thing to a solution is using the Dynamic Input Tool, but I've been struggling how to set it up for my use case.

16 - Nebula

Hi @justinihil 


I believe that you can connect the input tool to your excel file with the table <List of Sheet Names> configured. This will give you all sheet names inside of the file. Since you know the available sheetnames, you can use either the dynamic input tool or the batch macro input to import all sheets. Try to just point the first input tool to your excel file with the <List of Sheet Names> configured and run it.





7 - Meteor

Hi @Felipe_Ribeir0 


Thank you for your response. That works fine if I'm trying to combine all of my sheets together into a big dataset, but I'm not though. I'm working on them independently of each other and then consolidating them into one Excel file in different sheets at the end. Again, the sheets in the raw data are completely different from one another and they're not exactly meant to be joined together or something.


Please let me know if I'm missing something from what you're suggesting.

16 - Nebula



ok, so you can use a filter tool to filter each specific sheet, and input each one in a different batch input macro. If there is no sheet available (for this case i filtered the Sheet5 and it is not available), the data will not be imported and its all fine.




7 - Meteor

@Felipe_Ribeir0 This is perfect! You are awesome, my friend! 😀
