Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Dynamic Input for Named Range - How to bypass ranges that might not exist in the file

7 - Meteor



I'm trying to import multiple named ranges with the same schema from an excel file. I have a predefined list of the named ranges as text input, and append the named ranges to pull in through dynamic input. The only problem is that the file might not contain all of the named ranges, and dynamic input stops reading in data once it realizes it.


Is there a way to get around this error so that dynamic input will pull in just the ranges exist in the file?




19 - Altair

Use a batch macro. The multiple sheet/multiple file ability of dynamic input is really limited.

7 - Meteor

That's not an option for us right now, becasue we're trying to make minimal changes to the workflow which is an app. Is there no other way around it?

19 - Altair

Include a batch macro in your app.  Sorry - that's the fix.


This is like a 3 tool batch macro. Basically you just need to associate a specific file with the sheets/named ranges in that file - and then pass them into an input data tool in a batch macro. set your macro in interface designer to union on name. voila. There are near daily posts on how to set this up.
