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Dynamic E-mail Subject matching with the dataset row.

8 - Asteroid

Hi All, I am stuck in a very peculiar situation for my organisation, I have already initiated the workflow and it's working as desired but I need a solution to one more problem, kindly refer to my previous blog to understand the scenario of the workflow . 


My current problem is for the Subject Headers and the dynamic names as per data. I want to display the subject and text in Email for my data according to the data which is sent to the respective teams. As you can see the above blog about E-mailing the teams according to their data set, after that I want to display my data for Ex - "IM & GM Value of John for 30th May which Amounts to 30000" So here as you can see if my data has both IM & GM for that team, then the header will display both the names, Individually I am able to perform the task but together I am not getting the output, is there any If Else condition has to be mapped accordingly? and 2nd point is the Amount, I want to display both the amounts together as a sum. Kindly guide me through the steps, help me to perform the task. Regards, Kaish

8 - Asteroid

Kindly help @AlteryxCommunityTeam 
