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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Drop down tool, gets values from external file, refresh values when updating file

6 - Meteoroid

Hello Alteryx community


I am using a drop down tool inside a macro. That drop down tool is getting its values from an external file.


My problem comes when i use this macro in another workflow, and update the file that the drop down tool gets its values from, the values in the drop down tool is not updated immediately. I have to open the macro run the workflow, and save the macro, and then run the workflow where i use the macro, in order to see the updated values in the drop down tool. Is there an easier way to update the values in the drop down tool, after having changed the external file?


Best Regards Theis (3P Technology)

19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @TRM 


Can you provide a specific example of this?  In the attached file, I have a macro with a dropdown that reads from a csv file.  The values in the dropdown that is in the main workflow are updated every time I make a change to the underlying csv.





All I did between the 2 images was edit and save the csv and then move the focus off of the macro tool and then back on.  The next time I clicked on the drop down, the values in the drop down reflected the current state of the csv.




6 - Meteoroid

Hello @danilang 


Sorry for not providing a specific example of this, my model was bloated with alot of other stuff so i thought i would be more confusing than helpful. But you still managed to solve my problem, thank you very much. What I had done, was to use a Input data tool (Data from external CSV file.) and connected that to my drop down, and selected "Fields from connected tool". But just selecting External source fixed it.


Best regards Theis
