Using the drop down tool if I type the first letter of the item I want it goes to that section (Yay!) but if I type a second letter it goes to the section of the second letter.
I want Google from the list
Type G -> goes to G section
Type O -> goes to O section not to “GO” section
Is there a way to set it up to filter the list based on what I’m typing?
Is there a way to show more than one column in the drop down?
If no to both of the above - how would you recommend asking a user to select a apecific item from a list of 2k+ items in an analytic app?
Oh nice! that fixes the typing issue completely.
Is there a way to order the results? I assume it's sorting based on the Key column which is a hex code but I want it to sort on the name.
What about showing more than one column? Is that a thing?
Let me know if I should post this as a new question.
Yup. and yup. you can keep it in this question. check out help -> sample workflows - learn one tool at a time - interface - tree tool
then check out the use custom file for an example.
the tricks are 1) generating the file (I often use a chained app to create the file for the interface and a match file)
2) parsing the response (it can be multiple lines so - text input -/text to columns--- and then apply your parsing).