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Download Tool Errors (appreciate all help!)

8 - Asteroid

Hello community,


I apologise if you have seen this already, but I havea similar error to a previous thread that I have created.


I am trying to push data in the form of a column to an API and download its data to a column.


I was told that there needs to be a convention in feeding the API the information but due to the nature of the tool, I'm not sure how to edit the tool to match what the API requires.


This is the code that is run natively on the API which returns the correct column:

curl -i "https://xXXXXXXXXXXXXx/xX/API" -X post -H "Content-type: application/json" -d'{"COLUMN NAME":"DATA"}'


here is the configuration that i set up for:


Text Input: APIURL ----> Download Tool


It runs into the following errors:


Downloaded Data Column:




Downloaded Headers Column: 



Take a look at the attachment files for the configuration of the download:


It would also help if someone could explain how Alteryx outputs a certain command based on the selections made in the download tool as well!


I have tried using the Json Build Tool this time around but the server that Im sending the data to still has no idea what I'm sending, but it is definitely not Json, according to the otherside.


Thanks again!

11 - Bolide

Not sure if this will help but I post/PUT data to shopify and it took a lot of dorking around to get download tool to work.


I had to put in headers 








I also had to use throttle tool to keep it from over loading the api limits.


The only way I have been able to get some of this to work is try every possible combination and look at the api documentation to see what they require.


8 - Asteroid

I was told by my counterpart that it has to be a POST call, but I will try it out tomorrow for sure!

8 - Asteroid

After tweaking at it for what seems like an eternity, it worked.

Thanks agai!
