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Download Tool Error: Error transferring data: Access denied to remote resource

6 - Meteoroid

Hi team,


I have a workflow that pulls .7 csv files down from an sFTP and runs each file through the same Alteryx workflow; outputting the results into one Excel file (multiple tabs). The last section of the workflow then uploads the output file to the sFTP (different subfolder).


When the output file does not exist in the subfolder, the workflow runs successfully; uploading the Excel output file. When the file exists within the subfolder, I encounter the below error when running the workflow:


Download (867) Error transferring data: Access denied to remote resource


Expected Result: update/overwrite file on sFTP

Actual Result: Error transferring data: Access denied to remote resource


Thoughts? I need the file output name to remain static, as this file is feeding into another process.




16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Is the request method a GET, POST or PUT? If it's a POST, maybe try a PUT?

6 - Meteoroid

Unfortunately, I am using the PUT method. I have seen other posts recommend using PUT to upload to a sFTP, but nothing about any issues when overwriting a file.
