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Download Tool - Couldn't Connect to Server Error

7 - Meteor

Hello everyone ! This is my first topic in community and I want to say that I am so excited about it! 🙂 Hope to find a solution. 


I am using API via in order to pull e-invoices in xml format from e-invoice integration system. Previously, I tried it in test environment and it worked correctly. Now, I am trying it in the same way at the production environment, get an error which is "Couldn't connect to server" 


I am also checking it in SoapUI, it works correctly. I'm pretty new to Alteryx, and I may be overlook somethings about tool. But, I think there may be a problem with the connection tab in the download tool. Anyone have any idea how to fix the problem?


Thanks in advance. 


7 - Meteor

Hello Carlos,


Please find my workflow. 



15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Hi @EceSimsek 

Have you try change the Field switch AuthUrl to InvoiceURL?





I Think you wont to have the authurl because you have the USER and PASS in the query.


Can you try this and let me kwon if this work.




Carlos A Teixeira
7 - Meteor

Hi @carlosteixeira ,


Thank you for your helping.


Actually, I need to AuthURL field in this part. For the first download tool, I am using AuthURL field because of get AuthKey. As a result, I will have get Authkey and then I am using this Authkey in second downloadtool to get e-invoices in xml format.
