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Distance Tool Lat/Lon column conversion question

7 - Meteor

I want to use the Distance tool (Designer only, not using the Alteryx Spatial upgrade).  When I geo-code and get latitude and longitude, I get a column for each.  When I look at the distance tool example, it has the Lat and Lon in one column!!!!  Do I need to do this???  Demo data set attached with Lat and Lon for customers and a store location.  Many Thanks!!!!  JT

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @Jtunner 


You need to use Create Points Tool first to create the Centroids.


Then, use Distance Tool with your spatial objects (centroids).


7 - Meteor

I have done that now, but the tool only says Centroids.  In other words, the drop down does not allow me to distinguish between the store and customers which I would need to create lines / distance.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor



Use Filter Tool to filter the Store Record.


Then, use False Side of the Filter Tool as Target of Append Fields Tool and the True Side as Source.


You'll have the store with respective Centroid appended to each Customer Centroid.


That way, it's easier to use the Distance Tool.


7 - Meteor

Seems to work.  Thank you so much.  It is so simple, but I am still learning . . . . frustrating how easy it is once someone shows you.  Grateful.  JT
