Hello all. I am quite new to using the Designer tool. I have attached an Excel export from Survey Monkey. What specific Designer tools can I leverage just to get started? More specifically, if you refer to Columns A thru N, the top Row reflects the Column Header. However, you start to see where the 2nd row is the Column Header mostly (e.g., Columns O thru AC). Finally, the Top row again is the Header with other questions (Columns AE thru AO). Here, the 2nd row reflects the potential answers on the survey.
Ideally, I can "unpivot" this and have a tabular format as an export. Any ideas here?
You may need to use a combination of tools - transpose, text to column, and select records. You may need to use some of those tools more than once.
Thank you for the reply. Would you have a sample workflow by chance? I am trying to get my head around this (just to get started here).
Here is an example workflow that demonstrates what you can do with those tools. Note this isn't an exhaustive list; Alteryx has good examples and documentation of each tool and how it can be used. In Alteryx Designer, right-click the tool in the tool bar and there should be an option called Open Example.