Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Designer tab label overlap display issue - ver 2022.3

5 - Atom

Hi All,


When I need to open or create more then 2 tab in designer app, the tab label will overlap and can't choose the correct tab, Don't know how to fix this one.

If you got any ideas please help!


version: 2022.3.1.395


12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

Not sure what's causing the crunch, but if can see the elipse (the three dots      '...')    you can click on them , and it'll provide a drop down of the tabs that you have open, and you'll be able to select the one you need from there. 

5 - Atom

Sure, the … button can help

I set my desktop display scale and layout in 125%, and set AlteryxGui.exe High DPI scaling behavior into Application mode, don’t know this situation will impact the display issue?

