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XIRR Formula

8 - Asteroid

Hi, I need help with calculating XIRR formula

My data has deal_id, flow_date & cashflow amount. Refer to image below.


I want to calculate whenever new date detected the rate will be recalculate. For example: if the deal_id & flow_date is the same then the XIRR will be calculated. I have checked the function in the formula tool but don't quite understand it. I have attached sample data for your reference. 

Really appreciate the help

Thank you in advance!!



21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

This is a new Function for me. 😁

This is a thread we can refer.

The is an issue with your data which is that there should be at leat one negative value as per help of Microsoft Excel.
I tried with the sample in below and get the same result.

XIRR expects at least one positive cash flow and one negative cash flow; otherwise, XIRR returns the #NUM! error value.

