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Days filter

8 - Asteroid

I need to create a days filter as user input with standard 1,3,7 as the option in the drop down. This filter should return all records created within 1 , 3, 7 days respectively as selected by user.Any suggestions on how to create the formula.I created a formula but its only taking for one day.



123   9/20/2019

324   9/15/2019

8 - Asteroid

@dexter90 You didn't provide a lot of information, so I had to make two assumptions:


1. The reference date for the filter is today's date.

2. You only want to filter on one of the 1,3,7 days at a time.


I created a macro attached that may be a starting point for you. A macro or an app will be the only way to provide a dropdown for a user to select the specific number of days you want to filter by.


Good luck.
