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Dates Iteration till condition met

5 - Atom

Hi All,


I am facing issue with a loop condition workflow. As I am new to Alteryx, I am not sure whether it needs iterative macro or it could be solved normally.


I have a usecase where date needs to increment only if that day not contains in array. The duplicate dates can ignore if meeting the condition and the row size should not increase.


Thanks in advance.

14 - Magnetar

If you want to fill in missing dates, you can create a calendar from the min and max values using the generate rows tool.



5 - Atom

Hey gabrielvilella thanks for your response. 


But I am looking for date incrementation only if condition satisfies under Date column without increasing the row size. In the above example the dates 10/16/2021 & 10/17/2021 doesn't meet the condition so we can eliminate the only date and go for next date.


Thank you.


14 - Magnetar

I'm sorry but I don't understand the logic to remove or add dates.
