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Unable to trigger email using Email Tool (emailed not sent due to error in workflow)

8 - Asteroid


my workflow is using an excel file as an input. the file refreshes everyday and the tab gets updated to the latest date. In my workflow in the initial steps, I'm doing the validation if the tab date = today's date. If yes then the continue with the rest of workflow. if no then trigger an email letting the stakeholders know that the input file was not refreshed. I created a simple formula tool to compare the dates and I used a filter before the email. Now the issue is that when ever there is a valid input for email at this point, there is no valid data for the continuation of the remainder workflow. It throws an error , as a result the email is not triggered. How can I accomplish , what I'm trying to accomplish?


13 - Pulsar

Hey @Idyllic_Data_Geek 

It's a little hard to troubleshoot without actually seeing the workflow. Generally speaking, in order for an email to generate, you need to have at least 1 row of data going into the email tool. Based on your description, it sounds like the filter you've created is filtering all rows of data going into the email in certain instances. To avoid this, you could create a static message using a report text tool or a regular text tool that you only pass through if a certain criterion is met.


Hope this helps.

8 - Asteroid

@gautiergodard Thanks for replying back. I'm not passing any rows of data into the email tool. The logic is pretty simple, if the input file did not refresh(I already have the logic in place) then trigger an email. Otherwise, process the workflow and trigger an email in the end of the second use case stating that it is has been processed. 

I can't upload the workflow. sorry!
