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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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DateTimeParse Changing Order of Figure

5 - Atom

I have a column, td1, with dates stored as strings in the format of MM-dd-YYYY. I tried using DateTimeParse to convert the string into a date: DateTimeParse([td1], "%m-%d-%y"). However, the result I get is a date with the format YYYY-mm-dd. Would appreciate any help in determining what the issue is

15 - Aurora

The output from DateTimeParse is a Date data type, which is formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. 


A four digit year should be formatted using a capital %Y


In your output, which data type are you trying to get?



5 - Atom

Thanks for responding, Chris. I'm trying to get back to a date with the format MM-dd-YYYY in my output. Any way to do that with DateTimeParse?

20 - Arcturus

@datadiver Alteryx only support the "YYYY-MM-DD" as the date type format, any other format will the string data type. If you want to convert a Date Type to a string type format you need to use DateTimeFormat() function. In your case you have already in the format of MM-dd-YYYY which is a string format. If you use the DateTimeParse() function it will convert it in to YYYY-MM-DD format, which is the standard date format in Alteryx

15 - Aurora

You mentioned:

you have dates stored as strings in the format of MM-dd-YYYY

you are trying to get back to a date with the format MM-dd-YYYY in my output


If you want a date in the format MM-dd-YYYY in your output, the data type of that "date" will need to be string.


Are you writing out to Excel?  If you write out a String data type from Alteryx to Excel, then Excel will not recognize that column as a Date.

Are you trying to write out a Date data type to Excel, but have the date value displayed as MM-dd-YYYY inside Excel?


