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6 - Meteoroid

Hi! I used the DateTimeDiff formula to take the difference in months between the date now (DateTimeNow()) and a date column in my data and created a new column (called Month Diff) to display the difference. From here, I want to filter out so I only see data from within the past two months. I thought that using a filter for [Month Diff] <= "2" would be the right approach here, however, after running this filter the True output still shows results with differences greater than 2 months and I am not sure why. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


(First screenshot shows my formula for the difference in months formula which worked and gave the MonthDiff output column; second screenshot shows the filter for the MonthDiff column to be less than or equal to 2; third screenshot shows the output from that filter which still includes data in the MonthDiff column that's greater than 2) 

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris


In your formula tool you have assigned "Month Diff" to be a String, please change to Int16.

then remove the double quote in your filter tool around the number 2 and lets see if it will be correct after that.

DateTimeDiff1.pngMonth Diff Filter1.png

6 - Meteoroid

That worked, thank you!

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

@erinrog kindly mark @Qiu 's post as an accepted solution to close the thread and help people find the solution faster. Thanks!

Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE