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DateTime Question

12 - Quasar

I cant seem to figure out how to convert this string field:


Mar 13 2018 8:26AM


into a field that Alteryx recognizes as a date/time field.


I tried the basic DateTime Tool tool and I even tried @Kenda 's solution which I use in almost all my workflows these days. (


I tried using the custom selection and building it out with %b %d %Y to get the date but I dont really know what to do with the time.  I tried using %b %d %Y %I, but that failed and returned nothing.


I am sure this is easy and I am just overlooking something, but I'd really appreciate some help with this.








16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Hey @DanielG !


Thanks for the shout out! You were so close!


I would recommend using this expression in your Formula tool: 

DateTimeParse([Field1],"%b %d %Y %I:%M%p")


I always reference this page when working with dates: 

It looks like the %l is no longer supported.

12 - Quasar



Awesome!  This is a big help.


Thank you very much!


