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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Data tabulation and percentage

7 - Meteor

Hi people, how are you, I hope very well!


Guys I am new using the alteryx software here at work and I have many demands on this that I can´t solve that´s why I would like to get your help. Please take a look in my input data and my output data, is it possible get this kind of output in Alteryx? If yes, please, how/?





11 - Bolide

Hi @Edu_XGomes,


Welcom to Alteryx! You can definitely get the output you need with Alteryx!! The Transpose tool with no key fields selected will allow you get the data from your multiple columns into one column. You can then use the Group By and Count options in the Summarize tool to collapse the data down to just:


mother  2
dad 3
 brother 2


A combination of a Summarize, Append, and Formula tools can get you the percentage column. I attached a workflow that gets your desired output, both with and without a total row. Check out how the data changes from one tool to the next; you'll see the role each tool plays in arriving at the answer. Let me know if you have any questions! Please mark if this solves your inquiry!

7 - Meteor

Thanks you DultonM Now it is working as well

I have worked on SPSS for so long time, now I am going on Alteryx!
