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DCM on an App and within a batch macro

12 - Quasar



I am working with 2022.1 still unfortunately,  But I think this is more about the inflexibility of the SharePoint Input Tool (2.4.1) that the designer/server version.  I am using DCMs for SharePoint Input, regular Input (connected to databricks) and SharePoint output.


I have built an App where I have a SharePoint Input Tool that reads in all file names from a folder.  (see screenshots).  The app interface has the user apply filter on the name for 'MM.yyyy' as the files are named that way and this app is for a month-specific process.  Formula tool constructs the sheet name as it is always the same as the file name.


Then the  info proceeds into the macro, which has a SharePoint Input Tool that grabs each file name and sheet name and updates the SP Input to run each file through a wide array of filters/formulas/summarizations (not shown in screenshot) and creates consolidated output of "findings" for that month. 


It runs on my desktop without issue, but when I try to load it to server it doesn't find getting loaded on there.  It will spin in workflow results window for literally hours.


I dont know if it is a server issue, a DCM issue, a macro issue.  The error I have seen on server after I cancel it's load is: "There was an unknown error executing the application.  The engine reported status failure".  Gotta love a generic error message.  


Has anyone seen these types of issues that could possibly point me to a solution?  I will take suggestions or thoughts.  Doesnt have to be a fully formed solution at this point.  Thanks

