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Counting # of Records

6 - Meteoroid

Good morning;


I am hoping someone can shed some light as to how to do the following.


I would like to get a count of each job level number by Org unit for each month (excel data is attached).


For example for the month on November i should get 13 Level 6, 4 level 7, 17 level 8 and 4 level 9


Thanks for the help

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @RaulFinol 


This task is very simple in Alteryx!


Use Summarize Tool and Group By Month and Count Level, and then Count by Count Level.


One single Summarize Tool will be able to perform this.


6 - Meteoroid

thank you, made it harder than it needed to be. :)

10 - Fireball



Please see attachment. I have the false path highlighted which I want to activate when there are no records to report out. 


I put a count field in the Summarize tool. In the following filter, I have "Count !=0". I've also tried

"! Isnull([Count])", but neither gives me an email. I do have the email tool enabled. 


Question is, since there are no records, how can Count be analyzed for null or 0 or greater than 0? 
