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Converting a workflow to a macro and connect it with Sas 9.3

6 - Meteoroid

I am building a model scoring process where a database needs to be scored every month.

The input & output path as well the scoring data name will change every month.


1. I have built a simple workflow. But i am looking for ways to convert it to a macro so that i can just update the input path , output path and scoring data name and rest will be taken care of.

2. Secondly , is there a way that this workflow can be connected with SAS to run a sas code post this macro in a automated way?


A sample workflow is attached hereby.

Thanks a ton in advance!




Hi @Koyel


Ive attach a macro which shows the ability to use a file browse as an interface for your input and output files. 


You can do something similar with a text input and the scoring tools.




Jordan Barker

Solutions Consultant 

6 - Meteoroid

Hi @JordanB


Thanks for sharing the macro. It gave me the perfect solution i was looking for!!


But i am still trying to identify a way of connecting this with a sascode. I tried using the run command but could not connect it with the output sas datasets.


Any ideas on this ?


