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Converting Salesforce JSON to Excel values

7 - Meteor

Hi All,


I'm using the Input tool to connect to a Salesforce instance that hosts an existing report that I need for the workflow.


Output of Salesforce extract is a single JSON record.  I tried using JSON parse tool. But that just converts JSON to JSON_Name and JSON_ValueString combination values. 


How do I convert JSON extract to a readable format/ an excel file containing all column and row values (that are in Salesforce report)? I need to use row and column values from the Report for further workflow processing.



22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @Ronny_39 


You may have to parse it out. Can you provide some sample data.

7 - Meteor

Hi @atcodedog05, 


Sample Dataset below. This is an existing Salesforce report. Objective is to import Salesforce report in the below format. 


Customer  Customer Id         Shipping City      

ABC             235678                     Boston                          

FGT             845678                    Miami                         

CDE             523679                    Chicago      

OCG            450999                      L.A.

KTB             423567                      NYC                         

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @Ronny_39 


Can you provide sample JSON input data.

7 - Meteor

@atcodedog05  I was able to successfully parse data by selecting parsing checkbox while importing data from Salesforce. Very simple solution. 

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Thats awesome @Ronny_39 🙂


You can mark your post as a solution so that this question is marked as solved.

5 - Atom

One note - it`s very simple solution BUT it is working only for reports with <2000 rows.

It pulls only 2000 rows.


If u have report in SF with >2000 rows it wont help. 
