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Controlling the sheet order of multiple output tools to the same excel document

5 - Atom

I have a lengthy workflow that ends using multiple output tools to write different sheets within a single excel document. I need to control the order of sheets written so that #1 always appears first in the sheet order. THE PROBLEM is sheet #1 keeps being output last, no matter what I try to control it. 


I do not wish for the program to overwrite an existing sheet, which would preserve its saved sheet order. Instead, I wish for the workflow to overwrite the file entirely starting with sheet #1 then proceed to attach the remaining sheets as they are output. Hence, the issue with sheet #1 being output last despite my best efforts.


I developed what I thought would be a cheeky use of Block Until Done tools to control the order, but it has not changed anything. Unfortunately, due to the workflow structure, there is not a convenient place to use Block Until Done tools upstream in the workflow so I tried to control the output order by appending a single record to each row right before the output then removing it so it doesn't show in the output file. Despite adding these append operations that are regulated by the Block Until Done order, my workflow is STILL outputting sheet #1 last. Any suggestions?


Additional context: 

-I intend this to run in gallery as an analytic app

-The sheets being output are not identical in format and cannot be combined into a single output tool

-Sheet #1 is the only one with an output order issue (always printed last)

-The only Block Until Done tools in the workflow are captured in the attached image

-I delete the output file after each iteration to make sure it is not preserving an existing file format




13 - Pulsar

hey @SanHolo 

Try prepending a number before each sheet name, this should help in outputting the sheets in a specific order! 



'1. Sheet'

'2. Sheet'




Hope this helps!

15 - Aurora

I use the CReW macro Parallel Block Until Done, and the attached macro.







5 - Atom



The CReW macro Parallel Block Until Done solved my issue. I did not use it in conjunction with the output macros you used but it is an interesting way to use macros that I had not considered. Thanks
