Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Connection string for Connect IN-DB tool

7 - Meteor

Our Server administrator does not want us to set up aliased connections in Server, therefore we generally set it up directly in the input and output tools.  This string works in the regular Alteryx input tool but not working for the Connect In-DB tool?  

odbc:DRIVER={SQL Server};DATABASE={Database};SERVER={Server};Trusted_Connection=yes.  Can the following string be used in the In-DB Connection tool or does it need to be set up in the Manage In-DB Connection menu?  As always...Thank you.


15 - Aurora

We use In-DB Connection Files, and store them in a secured network folder


How to create a connection file (.indbc) to feed into the Dynamic Input In-DB tool

Community > Support > Knowledge > Designer > How To: Create an Alteryx In-DB Connection File


DCM is new in version 2022.1

Data Connection Manager (DCM) is the unified secure vault to store user credentials.

Use DCM to improve security by moving your credentials outside the workflow and synchronizing them across the Alteryx product suite.

DCM help page:


